Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sonic 1 Review

Hello everyone. Ryuuta here and to kick of the sonic marathon lets start with the original classic, Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis. Even though it is a classic, it hasn't aged well compared to the other 2 sonic games in the original trilogy.

Here is the plot. There once was a scientist named Dr. Ivo Robotnik who experimented on magical relics known as "Chaos Emeralds" in his lab on South Island. He had a pet hedgehog named "Sonic" who he commonly used in his tests. After many failed attempts, he created his masterpiece: a particle accelerator that causes any object to travel partially to a realm known as the speed zone, granting them incredible speed surpassing even jet planes. 

However, Sonic got mixed up in this, and got stuck in the particle accelerator for too long. This caused the machine to explode and sonic's fur turning blue and him becoming bipedal. This also spread chaos energy across South Island, making many animals there humanoid and granting them sentience. Dr. Robotnik was also affected, having gone insane with the release of chaos energy. 

After the experiment failed, he attempted to build a robot army to conquer South Island and later the world. Sonic now had to stop Robotnik, free the other animals from the robot prisons, and get rid of the pollution plaguing south island after the doctor built a giant factory there called "Scrap Brain Zone" to serve as his base. 

Sonic collected 6 of the chaos emeralds lost in the speed zone and was able to defeat Robotnik even after being caught in a trap. Using the 6 emeralds, Sonic went into his super form for the first time and purified south island. Meanwhile, Eggman plots his revenge while building a giant flying fortress shaped like his head...

One of the main reasons the original games are so critically acclaimed is because of the mix of speed with platforming, and this game does this excellently. But that isn't to say that this game doesn't have any flaws. 

Sonic doesn't move as fast here as in other games in the series and the controls are somewhat slippery. Sorry Sonic, you didn't quite reach the speed of sound in this game. Surprisingly, in both the original Sonic and Mario games Mario was actually faster. Sonic only seemed faster because of optical illusions. It's a trap! 

Also the bosses are pretty easy and like the early Mario games, the final boss wasn't that impressive. Also the game mocks you if you didn't collect all the chaos emeralds, this game's mcguffins. These powerful emeralds are extremely hard to get, as you only have 1 chance to get them before they disappear forever. The game play is still fun like the original Mario and it sold over 30 million copies. I just have to say something before I go. 

LABYRINTH ZONE IS EVIL!!! Any true sonic fan will tell you the pain and suffering they had to go though to beat this evil watery grave of a zone. It is mostly hated because most of the zone is large underwater segments AND SONIC CAN'T SWIM!!! Overall, this game is decent, but is definitely better than the horrific pieces of blue garbage that I will be talking about later during this marathon. Overall, I would rate this game a 7.1/10 Tomorrow, I will be reviewing Sonic 2, but until then, peace.



  • Good start to a classic series
  • Good balance between speed and platforming
  • Bosses are underwhelming
  • Can be slow compared to other games in the series

Sonic Marathon!!!

Hello everyone! Sorry I've been REALLY late posting on this blog. That is because I have been really busy in life and I hadn't had time to work on this blog. So starting today, I will be doing a SUPER SONIC MARATHON of all your favorite (and least favorite) sonic games! I will be reviewing all main series games. (NO spinoffs like Sonic R and Sonic Shuffle) Hope you enjoy!

Here are the links to the different parts.

Sonic 1 Review
Sonic 2 Review
Sonic Master Review
Sonic Master 2 Review
Sonic CD Review
Sonic Chaos 1 Review
Sonic Chaos 2 Review
Sonic 3 & Knuckles Review
Sonic Adventure Review
Sonic Adventure 2 Review
Sonic Heroes Review
Shadow the Hedgehog Review
Sonic 06 Review

Monday, March 28, 2016

Yo-Kai Watch Review

Hello everyone. Today I will be reviewing a game for the 3DS called Yo-Kai Watch. It is a RPG that many people say is a ripoff of Pokemon. In actuality, I is more of a rip-off of a little known Japanese game called Shin Mega Tensai. In that game, you collect and battle different demon-like monsters. You can even fuse the monsters together to make stronger monsters. Unlike Pokemon however, in Yo-Kai Watch and Shin Mega Tensai to befriend a monster need to convince them to join your party by giving them food and talking to them.

Yo-Kai watch is filled with Japanese charm and culture, which makes the game so interesting since the game takes place in Japan. Most of the Yo-Kai  monsters in game are basted off monsters in Japanese folklore, like the Kappa, the Kitsune, and the Nekomata.

The story is about a 10 year old boy named Nate Adams who accidentally releases a classic ghost butler Yo-Kai named Wisper who gives Nate the Yo-Kai Watch, a tool used for detecting invisible ghost-like creatures know as Yo-Kai. Nate now needs to solve people's (and Yo-Kai's) daily problems with the help of the Yo-Kai Watch across the massive overworld while fighting against mischievous Yo-Kai. The story isn't that great and can get convoluted at times, but all the charm and humor put into the writing makes up for that.

Unlike Pokemon, you are stuck in only one town, but the town is just as big as any Japanese town in real life so it isn't as bad as it sounds. There is also a neat stamina system that is similar to the stamina system the The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. There is also no random encounters unlike Pokemon, instead you have to find Yo-Kai yourselves, do a quest, or enter a dungeon were there are even still no random encounters. Instead you get touch-based map encounters. Good job Level 5, good job.

Finally, about the battles. The battles are very different than Pokemon in that they are real time, not turn based. You also do not have total control over your Yo Kai. That might not sound like a good idea when you first hear it, but that's not all. All battles are 3 on 3 battles except for bosses and VERY early game battles.You can also do your Yo-Kai special move my doing touchscreen mini games. They are called the Soultamate attack and they can do anything from doing massive amounts of damage to Healing your entire party to applying buffs on your entire party. Sometimes an enemy Yo-Kai inspirits (debuffs) your own Yo-Kai and you have to do a different mini game to get them out. But the catch is that you can only purify Yo-Kai that are not in battle, and that's when the battle wheel comes into play. You can spin the battle wheel on the 3DS's touch screen to change what Yo-Kai are in battle.

Also Yo-Kai have a special classification that gives them different strengths and weaknesses. For example, Yo-Kai of the Heartful Tribe (Happierre, Auntie Heart) are good at healing, and Yo-Kai of the Brave Tribe (Shogunyan, Cruncha) are good at physical damage. If two or more Yo-Kai of the same tribe are next to each other on the battle wheel, they gain a special buff. The biggest problem that I had with the game (and other people too) was that even if you feed a Yo-Kai the highest level of their favorite type of food there is still a chance that they will not join you. That can be very angering at times, especially if you had to waste 5 Marbled Beef .  (By the way they are a post game item and cost $300. Good luck getting those)

Yo-Kai Watch has a slightly flawed battle system, a lackluster story, slightly angering game play, but overall I enjoyed Yo-Kai watch because of it's funny dialogue, Japanese charm, fun factor, and challenging boss fights. Better, the final boss and the super boss. They are HARD. Oh, did I mention there is a SUPER ULTRA HYPER SECRET BOSS? He is ridiculously strong. Oh and did I mention that he is level 300? The final  boss was LV 65... Good luck beating the SUPER HYPER SECRET TRUE POST-POSTGAME FINAL BOSS!  

Rating: 8.2/10
Affection: Liked


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Terraria Review

Hello Everyone! This is my first review so I hope you like it.

Everyone knows about Minecraft these days. It's everywhere now. Toys, Games, Youtube, and even a telltales adventure similar to The Walking Dead. After the success of minecraft, many indie developers decided it was a good idea to make their own sandbox crafting games like minecraft. Most of them didn't end out so well. But what if you got bored of minecraft? Yes you could download mods, but that takes up a lot of space on your computer and might contain viruses. That's when Terraria comes in. Terraria is a sandbox adventure crafting game. But the main difference comes as soon you start a new world. The game takes place in a 2D pixelated world. You get to create your own character unlike minecraft, where you are stuck as steve for the entire game unless you download a skin. But in Terraria, the world is not infinite, you are stuck in a limited space. But that doesn't mean that the world isn't massive. You get to choose the size of your world. The best part about Terrraria is the content. There are over 18 Ores to mine, over 25 bosses to fight, over 5000 items to use, over 500 weapons, each with different weapon types, over 1000 enemies, fishing, NPC's that move into the houses you build, and much more! There are even times were a large army of enemies invade your town and you have to fight them off! It's just so fun! But I do warn you, it is rated T for a reason. Enemies explode in a bloody and gory fashion, even though this is pixelated game, it can be disturbing for younger players. Luckily, you can turn this off in the PC version. Also, some of the enemy designs can be disturbing to watch, especially the Eaters of Souls from the corruption biome. Oh, did I mention that there are TONS of biomes, and when I say biomes, I don't mean like the tundra and the plains. I mean weird ones like the evil corruption, the bloody Crimsion, a biome with flipping mushroom trees, and the fairytale land The Hollow. The game is really good, and is only $25 on steam. what are you waiting for, got get it now!

Rating: 9/10
Affection: Loved                                                                        

Hello World!

Hello everyone! My name is Ryuuta Dragonheart and welcome to my new blog! It's full of interesting topics like video games, dragons, and more! I hope you enjoy my brand new blog.

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